Sunday, June 25, 2006

WWE Vengance 2006 Results

taken from:

1. Orton vs. Angle

Orton beat Angle after sending him into an exposed buckle and hitting the RKO. Good match, not great.

2. Umaga vs. Eugene
Umaga beat Eugene fast. Kamala, Hacksaw Duggan and Doink were there as well. Seriously. They are also teasing a future Umaga vs Kamala match.

3. Foley vs Flair
Best of three. Flair just won the first fall with a cradle as Foley tried a figure four. Flair beat Foley via DQ in the second, so he won 2 straight falls. Huge disappointment. Flair gigged a gusher after a barbed wire bat shot to the head.

4. Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Shelton Benjamin(IC Title)
Carlito reversed a Shelton Benjamin suplex attempt and applied the back cracker. Johnny Nitro pulled Carlito from the ring and pinned Shelton for the win and title.

5. RVD vs. Edge
RVD beat Edge with frog splash after Edge accidentally speared a chair. Good match. RVD is still WWE champ.

6. Fake Kane vs. Kane
Fake Kane beat Kane with a choke slam. This feud must continue!

7. Cena vs. Sabu
Cena beat Sabu with the S.T.F.U. in the Lumberjack Match. Both ECW headliners lost. Match was fine but ECW is in trouble.

8. DX vs. The Spirit Squad
DX beat the Spirit Squad with a pedigree and a superkick. Exactly what the people wanted.

taken from:

Another sub-par show from WWE.


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