Monday, August 21, 2006

Madden 2007

Well today is the day when I get my hands on Madden 2007. Within 12 hours I will be playing the newest installment of NFL Football.

I know I have not been posting, but I have been fucking busy.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Kewanee Sports League Podcast #0011 Released

Kewanee Sports League Podcast #0011 Released

Holy crap, another podcast? 3 so far this year? I cannot believe it either! This weeks special guest is none other than Aaron P Hughes aka "The Amazing APHughes". We are talking about current posts, the draft, and much much more in this one hour edition. Other guests include Kevin Smith, Brian Schoutteet, and Blake Clayton. Listen to the VERY end for some hidden messages! Enjoy!!! This show was taped on August 13th, 2006.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wii is the only true next-gen console

taken from: Computer and Video Games .com

Renowned US games designer American McGee has spoken out in a forthcoming interview with CVG, to lambast Microsoft and Sony as 'focused on money' before going on to describe Nintendo's Wii as the only true next-generation console.

In an extensive and forthright interview which will be appearing exclusively on CVG tomorrow, McGee, who's currently in the throes of releasing Bad Day LA as well as working on movie projects Grimm and Oz, responded to our question about the prospects for the next generation race by saying, "The only truly next-gen console out there is the Wii. Everything else is just a video card and processor upgrade."

When quizzed further, McGee told us he thought that Nintendo would be the true next-generation champion for gamers adding, " I sense that Nintendo is going to capture the hearts of gamers while Microsoft and Sony stab each other in the neck for market domination. Nintendo is focused on innovation and games. The other guys are focused on making money."

Controversial views indeed, but McGee seems certain that Nintendo speaks to the true gamer's soul, while picturing the other two monolithic corporations as engaged in a massive bunfight not for gaming, but for cold hard cash. Harsh or right on the money? You can offer your own thoughts in our comments field, and be sure to tune back in tomorrow for the full and fascinating interview where McGee discusses US politicians' hostility to games, episodic content, outsourcing and where gaming's future truly lies.

taken from: Computer and Video Games .com

I think this is an awesome article!


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Draft results!

Here are my draft picks from last night:

1. (5) T. Barber
2. (12) Seattle
3. (21) Chicago
4. (28) B. Westbrook
5. (37) E. Manning
6. (44) T. Houshmandzadeh
7. (53) A. Crumpler
8. (60) D. Culpepper
9. (69) D. Davis
10. (76) Ro. Smith
11. (85) Mi. Clayton
12. (92) K. McCardell
13. (101) J. Elam
14. (108) I. Bruce
15. (117) C. Tillman
16. (124) R. Droughns
17. (133) A. Rolle
18. (140) C. Johnson
19. (149) M. Bradley
20. (156) M. Peterson
21. (165) K. Vanden Bosch
22. (172) A. Green
23. (181) A. Thomas
24. (188) A. Brooks


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kewanee Sports League Podcast #0010 Released

Kewanee Sports League Podcast #0010 Released

The 2006 Fantasy Football season have offically started! I am flying solo today. I am talking about the draft. Also, we had some interesting people leave some messages for the podcast. This show was taped on August 11th, 2006.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fantasy League Podcast #9

The 2006 Fantasy Football season have offically started! I have Brian Schoutteet and Mike Smith in house on this... This... Well we really do not talk about the league. Listen if you must. THIS IS THE LONGEST SHOW I HAVE EVER DONE! This show was taped on August 4th, 2006.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The one about that Deal thingee

Well... It looks like we are going to be taking over a new car franchise in January! I know it sounds weird but I am 97% sure we are going through with the deal. I cannot give out the details of the deal, but I can say that they tried to scare us off. Actually they gave us fuel for our fire. I know we are going to be working hard to complete this deal. I cannot wait to be working REALLY hard for the next 30 years of my life and slowly walk away... or will I walk away.

Right now I want to learn the new car business and run the new car business. I then would like to sell pre-owned cars and have the option to sell the new ones. You see, I want to change the way we sell cars. I want EVERYONE who comes in to be treated like a 800 credit score. I want EVERYONE who comes in to be treated like they are buying a new car. I want EVERYONE who comes in to feel like they are buying a new car. I want EVERYONE who buys a car to leave happy. I know they are people who lie and lie and lie, but I want the people in our area to know we helping them out. I do not want to be a celebrity around town. I do not want ANYONE to think I am better than them. I do not want my customers to hate the car buying system. I want to be known as the guy who does EVERYTHING he can to get the customer the best deal.

I know some dealers are do somethings that are going to hurt them in a couple of months. I will not go into details about that... I just want customers to come in happy and leave happier. I know sometimes I make customers upset, but I am telling them the truth and helping them out in the long run. Granted you never want to tell a customer they got screwed on a deal, but sometimes you have to tell them in a nice way. I want all of our customers to know I will not fuck them over.

I want to be known as the guy who can get them the best deal for the customer and for the dealership. Sometimes you just need to break even.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Madden 2007 Content

For the 1 person who does not know about this, xbox live marketplace is releasing Madden 2007 content EVERYDAY until August 22nd, 2006. This game looks excellent. At least rent the game to find out how it is. I need to spend more time talking about posts.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Street Fighter II - Hyper Fighting

Street Fighter II - Hyper Fighting for The Xbox 360 Arcade Is Offically Out!


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

EA Drops Bombshell: Wii Games 'No More Than $49.99'

taken from

EA announced "...we have ramped up [game] production for the Wii and DS Lite' following significant excitement over the Nintendo-created consoles at E3." The spokesperson also went on to say that Wii games won't cost more than US$49.99 at launch. Well, we would hope not. After all, the lower price of the Wii has been one of it's strongest selling points. If games were to cost the same as Hi-def games on the 360/PS3 then that advantage could be eliminated altogether as quickly as you can say "new-gen"

taken from

Again... PS3 will fail and Wii will win!
