Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The one about that Deal thingee

Well... It looks like we are going to be taking over a new car franchise in January! I know it sounds weird but I am 97% sure we are going through with the deal. I cannot give out the details of the deal, but I can say that they tried to scare us off. Actually they gave us fuel for our fire. I know we are going to be working hard to complete this deal. I cannot wait to be working REALLY hard for the next 30 years of my life and slowly walk away... or will I walk away.

Right now I want to learn the new car business and run the new car business. I then would like to sell pre-owned cars and have the option to sell the new ones. You see, I want to change the way we sell cars. I want EVERYONE who comes in to be treated like a 800 credit score. I want EVERYONE who comes in to be treated like they are buying a new car. I want EVERYONE who comes in to feel like they are buying a new car. I want EVERYONE who buys a car to leave happy. I know they are people who lie and lie and lie, but I want the people in our area to know we helping them out. I do not want to be a celebrity around town. I do not want ANYONE to think I am better than them. I do not want my customers to hate the car buying system. I want to be known as the guy who does EVERYTHING he can to get the customer the best deal.

I know some dealers are do somethings that are going to hurt them in a couple of months. I will not go into details about that... I just want customers to come in happy and leave happier. I know sometimes I make customers upset, but I am telling them the truth and helping them out in the long run. Granted you never want to tell a customer they got screwed on a deal, but sometimes you have to tell them in a nice way. I want all of our customers to know I will not fuck them over.

I want to be known as the guy who can get them the best deal for the customer and for the dealership. Sometimes you just need to break even.


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