Friday, May 20, 2005

Fuck Star Wars

So why would I say the words; "FUCK STAR WAR"? It is hard to explain, but many idiots come out to the theater. I do like it when the fans dress up in a 'good' outfit. I do like the costumes though... They are kewl. I guess we had a person come in an outfit that showed her body off... Wow... wow... I was told about the really kewl Darth Vader, but that is about it.

I hate the patrons that come in and are pissed that the 7:00 show sold out and they do not want to wait the 30 minutes to see the next showing. I had one jackass throw a fuckin fit about it. I wish I could be as kewl as he is... What a loser... I will say that there are a lot of really nice patrons though. I love those peeps. I wish everyone was as kewl as the fan boys. We actually had 3 guys buy tickets for the entire day. Everything would have been fine, but the power went out at 1:01 pm yesterday. Of all the times for the power to go out... Later on we found out that a squirrel is the one whop caused the outage... Fuckin animals.


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