Sunday, April 09, 2006

Red Steel (Nintendo Revolution)

taken from Revolution Fan Boy

Some shots from the May issue of Game Informer have found their way onto the internet, ready for us to awkwardly gawk at them and marvel at the Revolution game they spectacularly reveal. Developed by Ubisoft and packed with explosive gunplay (and swordplay), Red Steel looks set to take full advantage of the Revmote, albeit in an unsurprising way. After all, it doesn't require much thought to make the connection between pointing a remote and pointing a gun. I look forward to Jack Thompson quoting that sentence soon.

On the obvious matter of graphics, it seems like the Revolution can produce some very capable images, at least if one assumes that these aren't concept renders and are actually running off an official development kit. It's impossible to make out any of the text, barring the note on the bottom right which points out that your in-game character will tilt his gun as you tilt the controller. I suspect this also means that you can easily bash people in the face with the butt of your gun by performing a swift arm motion. And really, isn't bashing people in the face what the Revolution is all about?

more at Revolution Fan Boy

I am REALLY looking foward to the Revolution.


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