Friday, September 23, 2005

Today Sucked

Well, I had to go around town looking for the cheapest gas. I nevermind doing weird things for my dad, because that is what I get paid to do. Sometimes I do things that I would rather not do, but I knew that my job would this way. I love what I do now. It is fun, relaxing, and I do not hate going to work. I love it!!! Back to the story... I got SUCK in HOMECOMING TRAFFIC!!! I hate it when the parade goes and then I have to do some errands.

We ordered a cable for some of our vehicles. It is called OBDII connector. It links up with the computer in your car and checks tons of shit out. We ordered it two weeks ago... I called and no answer. I was told that they have been sooooooo busy that our order was held up... Bullshit... I talked to her boss and he said they have been really slow. Why the hold up? I will never know. I am just going to eat and then sleep.


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