Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Even When It's Not Piracy's Fault, It's Piracy's Fault

taken from: Tech Dirt

The MPAA says that international box-office revenues fell nine percent last year, and as usual, piracy gets portrayed as the biggest villain, with camcorders singled out this time. MPAA boss Dan Glickman (who apparently really likes to sing) urged the attendees of a movie theater trade show to petition their local governments to strengthen anti-piracy measures -- perhaps hoping to get them to emulate California and make it a crime to bring a camcorder into a theater -- rather than really encouraging them to do things that might actually help, like changing the way they do business. Of course, the theaters themselves aren't blameless, either, and in some ways have as bad a case of denial as the studios about why people don't want to go to the movies any more. It's still easier to just blame people downloading movies for the industry's decline, rather than try to figure out why people are downloading movies instead of paying outrageous costs to watch bad films.

taken from: Tech Dirt

FINALLY; someone who knows what they are talking about.


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