Friday, November 12, 2004

LQQKING for "things"

So I kicked ass at work today. I got my hair cut and did laundry. But... I went to go pick my shit up and some fat fuck was in the laundry place. He was "looking" for some of his clothes that he left there a week ago. I asked him, "Why haven't you picked your clothes up since then?" I thought it was a good question. He says, "I have been busy." "What was so important that you could not pick your clothes up within the last couple days?" He looked at me and then said bye. I realized something. That motherfucker was trying to steal my clothes. HE is lucky I did not have a gun.

I started to think, "Why would someone, with a bad excuse, hang out at a laundry mat?" To steal clothes... I think from now on, I have to watch my clothes like a motherfuckin hawk or some shit. I could hire a midget to see my shit, but I would want to throw him around just for shits and giggles.


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