Friday, November 05, 2004

WWE and Shane "the Hurricane" Helms

I was looking around at some wrestling sites, because I am still a fan. I noticed that Sugar Shane "The Hurricane" Helms might get released... WTF I mean he is the man. I cannot believe the WWE would go that low. If he was to get released, I seriously would stop watching WWE TV.

There would be no reason to even care about what the fuck "Trips" is doing this week. If someone who has been with the company for 20+ years and leaves the company because Vince is "Blind", then Pat did the right thing.

I doubt Vince will ever see what "Trips" is really doing to the WWE. I really hope ROH or NWA: TNA gets big. Maybe then... and only then... "Trips" will be shown what he really is... A STUPID, MOTHERFUCKIN', WANNA-BE, WHO ONLY MARRIED Stephanie McMahon FOR THE STABLE JOB. OH and get this... He took HER last name... WHAT THE FUCK!!!

I usually will not go out and bitch like this, but something needs to be done. If "Trips" and
Stephanie are really in love, they should get COMPLETELY away from the business for 5 years. If... I mean... When Stephanie finally sees why he is with her, she will dump him faster than Jared on the Subway diet. I am out... FUCK TRIPS!!!


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